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bebylove2 (36)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0
I believe you are the one i'm searching for
I am miss zainab
(zainabhassane at ya(hoo.(com)

please send me your mail
bebylove2 (36)  
rating: Funny0  [0]  Not funny0
I believe you are the one i'm searching for
I am miss zainab
(zainabhassane at look through ...)
Jaap1 (66)  
rating: Funny6  [5]  Not funny1

Kristy_22 (34)  
rating: Funny6  [6]  Not funny0

Kristy_22 (34)  
rating: Funny2  [2]  Not funny0

Kristy_22 (34)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0

xxyesxxno (38)  
rating: Funny3  [3]  Not funny0
An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: "woman without her man is nothing". The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."
SimpleMan (50)  
rating: Funny5  [5]  Not funny0
I was told that you are meetıng my ex-boyfriend ? Yes, and so what ? nothing, Im eating an apple, would you like to eat too ?
sahi (49)  
rating: Funny5  [5]  Not funny0

sahi (49)  
rating: Funny4  [4]  Not funny0

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