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paullouis0 (67)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0
Hello Good day to you
I suppose most of us are lonely in this big world, but we must fall tremendously in love to find it out.
I really what to contact you cause i was searching for a when i stumbled on your profile pics i got entangled with that beautiful smile on your face.hope you don't mind been a
Are you married ..................?
if not contact me on hangout at louispaul051@look through ...
John121 (62)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0
Bella5201 (30)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0

flora2212 (38)  
rating: Funny1  [-1]  Not funny2

How do i look
babbie1234 (44)  
rating: Funny4  [4]  Not funny0
miss sharon new here ....maybe we might be together by nature....nicolassharon 3 0 g m.nice to meet you
FredClifford (62)  
rating: Funny2  [2]  Not funny0
Yan1984 (39)  
rating: Funny5  [5]  Not funny0

rating: Funny3  [2]  Not funny1
Some love one
Some love two
I love one
That is you
rating: Funny2  [1]  Not funny1
River can dry
Mountain can fly
You can forget me
Never can I
davidmaynard (53)  
rating: Funny1  [1]  Not funny0

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