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valentine04 (72)  
note: Funny1  [1]  Ce n'est pas drôle0
Hello DEAR,
How are you today? i saw your eye catching profile so i decided to say hi to you,i hope you don't mind? I would love to know more about you and see how it goes.Feel free to drop me a note when you can.
I hope to read from you really soon.

Peter_12 (34)  
note: Funny1  [1]  Ce n'est pas drôle0
Hi Lauren...Thank you...I think you are beautiful
I am from Nigeria.. But I live in France
Lauren43 (39)  
note: Funny1  [1]  Ce n'est pas drôle0
Good day my dear, nice to meet you i am from united state of American which country are you from

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